Kim is passionate about equipping Christians to grow and serve.
She teaches seminars to Christian groups of all sizes, and offers coaching and encouragement for Christian leaders in all kinds of situations. She also supervises counselors-in-training.
Seminars for churches
Kim loves to teach practical theology seminars to groups of Christians. She always leaves time for Q&A! All of these except Relational Wisdom typically run 2 hours.
Dealing with Anxiety (preview here)
Wise As A Serpent, Innocent As A Dove - Learning To Deal Well With Difficult People
Loving Wisely Sharpening Your Relational Skills for Life and Ministry (preview here)
Pleasing People Or Pleasing God? A Way Out Of Being Controlled By Others
Parenting Adult Children - New Roles, Realistic Goals and Navigating the Challenges (preview here)
Coaching for leaders
Kim understands the stresses and extremely complex situations that church leaders face on a regular basis. She has experience in the following areas:
Consulting with pastors and church leaders on complex shepherding issues
Crisis intervention counseling for individuals in need
Conflict mediation in ministry and pastoral relationships
Shepherding missionaries (on furlough or in the field via Skype)
Providing counseling for pastors, to help them deal with ministry stress and burnout (some churches offer this as a part of their pastor's benefits package)
If you would like to invite Kim to speak at your church or home group, or if you would like to talk with Kim about your ministry or a ministry issue, please contact her via the simple form below.
Here's what participants are saying about Kim's seminars:
- Rich, articulate teaching
- This was so God-honoring!
- Gave us really good questions to be asking ourselves
- A deeper and better discussion than I expected
- I appreciated that Kim is succinct- responds to things without getting off track
- Great material and great pacing!
- Truth, grace and lots of wisdom delivered with great skill... I didn’t want it to end
- Thirsty for more!
- Very personable and personal presentation
- Full of wisdom and biblical support
Clinical hours for counselors in training
If you are on track to become licensed, or are an LGPC, and you are looking to be supervised by an experienced LCPC and board approved supervisor who is also a biblical counselor, contact Kim. Her diverse counseling experience and training make for a unique and helpful supervision.
“A woman of character, Kim is fully gospel-centered, with a deep biblical foundation as her primary guide for counseling. Because of her significant cross-cultural sensitivities, she is able to engage with people from diverse backgrounds. She has provided invaluable counsel to me as a pastor and to our church leadership in a number of highly-charged, highly-confidential situations. She has a gift of clarity and remains completely professional yet empathetic under duress. I believe that Ms. Sütter’s unique abilities as a teacher, counselor, and mentor would be a profound asset to any church. ”